Financial wellness benefits for employees, 2023 in review

2024-01-02T13:35:46-05:00December 22nd, 2023|Debt, Employee Benefits, Financial Wellness|

Employees’ top financial stressor went from saving for retirement to saving for emergencies and making it to the next paycheck, amidst rising credit card, auto, medical, and student loan [...]

Employers focused on employee financial stress in 2023

2023-12-08T14:49:21-05:00December 6th, 2023|Employee Financial Stress, Financial Wellness|

TrustPlus articles that generated the most engagement in 2023 offer a window into what's of most interest to employers when it comes to the latest research, news, and best practices [...]

Medical debt is forcing workers to cut spending on necessities

2023-09-25T09:00:16-04:00September 20th, 2023|Financial Wellness, Medical debt|

Medical debt has negative and compounding impacts on the financial, mental and physical health of low- to moderate- income workers, finds new research from Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners and RIP [...]

Defined contribution plan sponsors with financial wellness programs “more often see their retirement plans as effective”

2023-09-22T10:11:12-04:00August 30th, 2023|Financial Wellness, Personal Finance|

85% of defined contribution plan sponsors feel a strong sense of responsibility for employee financial wellness, up from 59% in 2013, finds J.P. Morgan Asset Management. [...]

A strategy for employers to boost productivity, health, and retention this back-to-school season

2023-09-08T13:30:51-04:00August 23rd, 2023|Debt, Financial Wellness|

Back-to-school season is a stressful time financially for many of our Personal Financial Coaching clients, as it is for millions of workers across the country. Back-to-school [...]

Record credit card debt is a drain on workers, employers

2023-09-08T13:31:29-04:00August 10th, 2023|Debt, Financial Health and Productivity, Financial Wellness|

Sophisticated employers are rolling out financial wellness benefits to help employees manage debt and strengthen credit, with their employees’ wellness and the bottom line in mind. [...]

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